Natalia zavodchikov l.l.c

dance therapy

Hello, my name is Doctor Natalia Zavodchikov and welcome to my dance therapy page. I created this program to help individuals deal with conditions such as vertigo, post-concussion syndrome, prevention of dementia, anxiety, and depression. This program is different than other treatments as this program is performed in a way that engages the total brain system, this means rather than trying to target one area and treating them this treatment simultaneously 

stimulates the entire brain system which results in an increase in neural activity that can help to  battle, prevent or even cure many different conditions. My inspiration for this study came after reading a study from Harvard University in 2015, that proved through research that included the use of a functional MRI that activities such as ballroom dancing, utilizes all of the brain with high processing speed and therefore improves balance, increases oxygen flow to the brain which decreases inflammation which in response decreases anxiety and depression, 

and can clear calcification that can also help with the prevention of dementia, also this therapy will help with balance and coordination that can benefit with less slip and fall injuries in the population as a whole but specifically the aging and elderly while providing this group with a social and fun activity that will help them continue treatment and keep them actively engaged. 



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